love it.

People, even more than things, have to be restored, renewed, revived, reclaimed, and redeemed; never throw out anyone.
audrey hepburn.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

all you need is love.

i wrote this a year ago and every time i read it i feel inspired. i love it. no pun intended. i rewrote some of it. but most of it remains untouched...

Love. a loaded word, a word compact, filled, brimming with emotion, overflowing with something unfathomable. the one thing we all are after. we crave it. we die for it. we spend a lifetime looking for it. we dream about it. sing about it. give it freely. nurture it. we melt in it. fall for it. get caught up in is so intertwined, wrapped up in who and what we are. it's ingrained in us. it confounds all notion of worldly thinking. we can do naught but revel in it. we risk everything for it. we win it & lose it. we are reckless with it & hopeless without it. It fills us with life. it makes us do things we would never dream of. it sweeps us off our feet. it dares us to be bold. it changes us. transforms us. floods our minds with hopes & dreams. it comforts us. it fulfills us. we laugh about it. jump for it. run to it. we are utterly and hopelessly consumed by is a steady constant in a world of so much dark. it is pure & beautiful. it can be blind. but true love never fails. never dies. never wanes...nor fades. it is steadfast. brightly shining for all to see. it is what we get up for in the morning. it is what we hold on to, cling to. what we believe will last forever... "and the greatest of these is love."

i love love.
photos found at


  1. Karli Rae ... I love your writings [no pun intended either ...]. They truly are inspiring and remind me of what I need to know most. :] Thank you for sharing your heart, dear girl ... Love you!

  2. I love your blog, your gift of writing is amazing to me.

    This is beautiful! Love is so inspirational, and sometimes truly is all you need!

