love it.

People, even more than things, have to be restored, renewed, revived, reclaimed, and redeemed; never throw out anyone.
audrey hepburn.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

mr. golden sun.

summer is absolute favorite season. i can smell it! yesterday it rained, but softly with a warmth to it and the wind wasn't entirely unfriendly either. today the sun can't seem to stay keeps poking it's glistening head out of the clouds as if to say "don't worry i'm here!" if i had my way it would be summer all year round, with a hint of fall and a pinch of spring thrown in every few months, mix it up for a few days and go back to the searing heat. i wonder if i were to move somewhere raging hot and live there all year round i would enjoy it, or beg to move back to a world with four seasons. it sounds ideal. don't you think? complete and utter bliss...

it smells of the sea.
it smells of lazing out in the sunshine.
it smells of warm nights full of stars.
it smells of sand in my toes.
it smells of true blue skies.
it smells of adventure & roadtrips.
it smells of promise.
it smells of first loves.
it smells of things to come.

those are only a few of the many wonderful things summer brings. only 55 days until summer!

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